Collaboration through public sharing

Huh. So, would this also mean it’s possible for Litewrite to become a collective text editor?

I suppose this GitHub - segment-boneyard/socrates: Write and read Markdown in real-time with anyone you want. works similarily with As one can watch the storage interactively and in real-time through their Dashboard, it seems remotestorage could in the end be an easy-to-attach key:value store for any app thinkable.

If the protocol (spec 03? I don’t know it too well) would specify real-time Operational Transform hooks, through plugins it would be able to virtually emulate any storage engine(rdbms, nosql, flat files, postgres, postgis, couch, monog, neo4j) ever thought of. Wouldn’t it only rely on a transpose operation, i.e. mapping rS’s native APIs to emulated ones?

Am I dreaming here?