Now working with myfavouritedrinks as suggested and looking at how to put SAFE API into rs backend…
I know so little about node etc that this is like wading through treacle! I’m looking at using a node module that someone created a nice low level SAFE API wrapper - safenet.js. It is a fairly thin but useful - and working - wrapper, but pulls in some things that may not be wanted in rs. Also, some essentials needed for SAFE API but probably not anything else.
So before I decide on my route I wonder if you have any policy or thoughts on this.
For example, should I code myself using only things that are already pulled in by rs (such as bluebird promises), and things needed by SAFE API (such as tweetnacl and base64-js), or is it ok to pull in new things (such as es6-promise and isomorphic-fetch) so I can use the safenet.js wrapper pretty much as is?
I think these decisions have a lot of impact either for rs or for the work needed to support SAFE storage, so I’m reluctant to just jump in.