More marketing _

once v0.8 of remotestorage.js is out, i will actively market it to app developers. also, once owncloud-owa is out, i’ll actively market it to existing storage providers (especially ones who already offer ownCloud hosting). i’ll be like a sales guy for the project. :slight_smile:

Sounds great. At the same time this should bring a lot of feedback.

in practice opening bugs on people’s apps has only led to updates in some cases. in other cases i’m sending pull requests. this often requires me to dig into how their app works, but i guess it’s worth it to keep apps up to date.

for owncloud-owa, i’ve still got a few bugs to close on that, i’ll go to the ownCloud hackathon this weekend as well and try to get some more feedback. after that i’ll contact each active ownCloud provider and let them know they might want to enable it for their customers.

other than that, there’s the IETF-level marketing so to speak. Targets identified so far are mobile operators, Huawei, Orange, Adobe, Rackspace, Cisco, and 1&1 SmartDrive, as well as of course the big ‘personal cloud’ players: Dropbox, GoogleDrive, and SkyDrive.