Draft-dejong-remotestorage-02 txt

@raucao thanks for you comment, i understand you’re disappointed that we’re not working on your proposal for adding file size support, despite the fact that it’s a very well-sounding and defendable proposal.

i agree your proposal sounds nice, but fact is, we need to choose something to work on, and then focus on that in a coordinated way. although it might be fun and creative to fork into two or more uncoordinated projects, everybody adding their favorite feature in their own way, and adding ever more bells and whistles, but that’s not in the user’s interest.

we now have the basics working, that’s already a great achievement. we should now focus on stable servers, stable spec, stable core library, so that we can invest our time into building apps&modules on top of it. that is where we can have an impact on the value to end-users.

i have proposed three phases for what we need to work on Roadmap, three phases and everybody can make suggestions to what needs to be added (as you indeed did), but we can only achieve a stable environment for application developers if we all focus on the same basic feature set.

we are a small team and we already have way too many different things to focus on; if we were to add file size support to the list of tasks then it would become even more impossible, sorry!