I just tested 0.8 at https://remotestorage-browser.5apps.com/ and have some feedback about the widget.
The first thing i realized was that I can’t click on the text Connect remotestorage.
I have to click the icon to get to the input field.
Next I misspelled my address and there was no visual feedback at all.
Everything I get is this message in the console:
try url https://5app.com/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct%3Ajorin%405app.com
Also there is no visual feedback when hitting the refresh button.
One more thing that distracted me a little bit was that the refresh and logout icons aren’t vertically centered (at least in my browser) : http://cl.ly/image/0V2e2C0e2Y2P
Apart from those small things everything seems to work fine. Good Work!
Just got some strange behaviour testing it with litewrite @ localhost.
I logged in and not all documents where loaded so I hit refresh and got this:
First it looked like this http://cl.ly/image/170e3P3L0p24 but all document were loaded.
So I clicked the logo http://cl.ly/image/0t2I203p1T3X. I can toggle this by clicking the logo again.
No errors in the console… and the behaviour stays like this after refresh again.