Notes Together in Beta

Notes Together is intended to be a successor to my Serene Notes ( and Litewrite ( by Jan-Christoph Borchardt & Jorin Vogel. It supports rich text notes, as well as Markdown and plain text.

Please beta-test it at You can import your notes from HTML, Markdown or text files, or copy and paste your notes from wherever.

  • As usual with beta software, you might want to first back up your notes with rs-backup - npm
  • Notes Together can read and edit notes all created by Litewrite. Litewrite can read and edit plain text and Markdown notes created by Notes Together.
  • The Undo history is cleared when you select another note, or a remote update arrives - so if something goes amiss, use Undo promptly.
  • If a note is actually Markdown, change the note type to Markdown, so pasting works properly. (CommonMark is the dialect of Markdown that is supported by pasting and conversion.)
  • Keyboard shortcuts (mod means ⌘ on Mac and control elsewhere):
    Escape: back out
    mod+z: undo
    mod+shift+z: redo
    mod+Enter: line break inside paragraph
    mod+i: italic
    mod+b: bold
    mod+`: monospace
    mod+shift+`: monospace block
    up arrow and down arrow: select previous or next note
    shift-, alt-arrow: move up or down 5 or 25
    control- or meta-arrow: move to first or last note
  • If you decide Notes Together is not yet ready to replace your use of Litewrite, use “Change note type” (in the meatball menu) to convert your rich text notes to Markdown or plain text.