remoteStorage monthly hangout — January 2022

Let’s meet up and exchange about all things remoteStorage. Come and share what apps you’re working on, experiments, self-hosting experience, or feel free to bring any questions about integrating with your own projects.

This hangout will have a special focus on remoteStorage servers and server development. If you’re interested in self-hosting and/or contributing to RS server projects, this call is for you!

To hear about our next gathering, watch this space or subscribe to the mailing list.


Action Items for Armadietto:

  • Doug Reeder will run api-test-suite
  • Front update & logging via Winston should receive final testing and be merged before a push to NPM.
  • Docker container will use NPM package, will follow soon

Activities that should be prioritized:

Future Work:

  • Research on using external authentication, so users can use an existing login

api-test-suite requires a read-only OAuth token, which Armadietto is not currently set up to provide. :frowning:

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