Sockethub v0.0.11 released amidst great fervor!

Hi everyone!

I don’t make a habit of announcing every Sockethub release here, but the latest one (v0.0.11) is looking very good, quite stable, robust and with better documentation. (Changelog) [1]

See the README [2] or doc/ [3] for simple instructions on getting sockethub running on your system.

Implementing Sockethub in your web application is very simple. You can include the sockethub-client [4] library, and create a connection object:

      var sc = SockethubClient.connect('localhost', {
        register: {
          secret: '1234567890'
      sc.on('registered', function () {
        console.log('connected and registered with sockethub!');
      sc.on('failure', function (e) {
        console.log('failed connecting to sockethub ', e);

Once you’re connected and registered you can freely send and receive messages from the server.

      sc.on('message', function (o) {
        console.log('received article from ' +;
        'platform': 'rss',
        'verb': 'fetch',
        'target': [{'address':''}],
      }).then(function () {
        console.log('fetch processed sucessfully');
      }, function (e) {
        console.log('error with fetch: ', e);

That’s it! Assuming you’ve entered a correct RSS/Atom feed URL, you should get a success result from sendObject, and then start getting a ‘message’ event for each article fetched.

For more docs on using sockethub, see the sockethub-client repo [4] and the sockethub comprehensive platform overview doc [5].

The above RSS example is similar to what’s being implemented in Dogfeed (unhosted feed reader) [6] however it’s currently not working, waiting on a few remoteStorage bugs to be resolved. Should be soon though!

Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or issues with sockethub or sockethub-client.






