Starter Kit : Screencast

Dear community,

I wanted to provide some ideas on the dramaturgy of the envisioned screencast.
Undoubtfully useful, I will not be able to prepare one before two weeks in the future.


  1. There is a remoteStorage Starter Kit that can also be
    found on the Developers Page.
  2. We feel a certain urge to promote remoteStorage more visually, i.e. by an
    and other means.
  3. @michielbdejong encouraged the creation of a screencast introducing the aforementionned Starter Kit :blush:.


The clip should develop as follows:

But the environment in my imagination will be a little different:

The task will not be shown on localhost, but on a prepared fresh CentOS virtual machine.
By doing this twist, we can also quickly show

  • how to setup node.js and
  • how to setup EPEL, if appropriate.

Maybe this should really be done in advance, to have a clean workflow displayed. So it’ll be a fresh CentOS, but with activated EPEL repositories, to easily install Node in a current version.

Then one has the server and its client really nice seperated next to each other

And now comes the twist:

A second instance of the same virtual machine exists already in the virtual network and will be shown now to the viewers.

Now referring to diagrams and this little cryptic explanation of Michiel’s

see how the hello-world app runs on port 8002, yet the AJAX requests go to your storage for me@localhost:8001, on storage port 8000.
This is of course useless if it’s on the same host, but you can see how this is a powerful architecture change if not only the port but also the domain name differs between the app and the storage: netizens can host their own data on their own server, instead of on the application provider’s server.

one could underline the implications of this technology and have a connecting point to build on with possible further videos; maybe by other members of this community :smile:.

Any comments are highly appreciated!

I think it might be a good idea to use different VMs for storage and app in the screencast, but why should we mix a video about remoteStorage with an introduction to setting up and configuring a specific system that has nothing to do with it? How you install node.js or VMs depends on your OS and what you’re comfortable with or already using. There’s no value in seeing how you set up sth on CentOS for the majority of the screencast’s target audience.

Let’s keep it as concise and technology-agnostic as possible!

i installed screencast-o-matic, and created this, just now:

i also like @almereyda’s proposal to do something more fancy in the future. also, all documentation (screencast, infographic, tutorial text, main page sales pitch) will have to be adapted once we launch GoogleDrive and Dropbox support. because that really changes the story we’re telling.

let’s make a more concrete plan for that this Wednesday at the team meeting? meaning who will do which part and how do we make sure the end result fits together and is what everybody wants it to be.

Okay, okay.
The base idea was to make sure people don’t get crazy over Node, as the often used distribution’s (ubuntu) repositories contain old versions that might break things here.

But you’re also right that managing the dependencies of remoteStorage is the user’s domain. But do they all understand? I don’t know where to draw the line.

i think the current screencast is good enough for now. i added it to the readme