Community call: Redesigning the remoteStorage homepage + other stuff

I’ve been thinking about updating the website design, moving wiki content to forum, doing events and a newsletter, grant opportunities… Be welcome to join @raucao and I in the call and share your thoughts.

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Notes from the meeting with @rosano (R) and @raucao (B)

Landing page


  • R: Find a grant for one-click install or other things?
    • Grant for the web
    • NLNet
  • R: Create Open Collective for remoteStorage domain and hosting fees?
    • B: Better to use alternative currency and avoid paying higher transaction fees on smaller payments

Monthly event

  • B: “Monthly community call”
  • B: featuring potential topics or people can suggest before hand
  • R: Every second Wednesday, first one august 11th or 18th, evening in Europe.

R wants to start a remoteStorage mailing list

  • every 1-3 months
  • monthly news
  • awards
  • contributions
  • apps
  • updates
  • decentralized news
  • for people who are less active or want to keep up tp date from afar
  • thank contributors in each release: github, tips
  • announce on unhosted

Explainer infographic

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@raucao I’m wondering if it would be a stretch to get people to use an alternate (crypto?) currency unless it’s ubiquitous. Like what are the tradeoffs in terms of number of people able to participate versus amount lost to fees? I feel like serendipitous contributions not related to expenses would be more likely on an accessible platform like OC, plus it’s social which affects why people do it in the first place.

I said during the call that I’m not proposing this for RS, and neither would I be comfortable with any central point of funding, as there is no official organization, no hierarchy, no rules, no procedures established. As such, there cannot be anything “official”, and nobody would be able to claim neutrality or community consent for their control of monetary funds.

So I still think any and all funding should be handled by and directed to specific people for specific projects, even if this would include general core development on any RS libraries for example. Most organizations giving out grants prefer to give them to individuals like this in the first place. And grants by registered non-profit organizations, like e.g. the NGI ones from NLnet, are also free from income tax for people in many countries!

That said, if someone wants to write a grant application for someone else to apply for a certain grant, there’s also nothing stopping them from publishing it here, or sending it to people they think would be good candidates. We could also compile a list of grant-worthy topics, where we may even have indication of willingness to fund by some source.

As for general donations, we could also create a contributor donation directory page to link people to (e.g. from Github’s funding buttons, the main website, etc…); similar to this one, which is for a different protocol with no central organization at the helm:

Edit: Just adding a disclaimer. These are just one core developer’s personal opinions, and they may not reflect anyone else’s. As always, please, everyone feel invited to add your own opinions and ideas about this topic, of course!

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